NeoGraft® is the first FDA cleared Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and implantation system that delivers proven hair transplant results. The NeoGraft® FUE technique precisely extracts complete individual hair follicles which can be immediately transplanted to the selected areas of the scalp. NeoGraft® provides absolute exact harvesting and placement that deliver the desired results.
To many Colorado residents, a full head of hair represents attractiveness and desirability both personally and professionally. The facts are that approximately 50 million men and approximately 30 million women, including many in Denver, suffer from male/female pattern baldness or thinning hair. Many potential patients shy-away from the traditional “strip method” of hair replacement because of the slow recovery time, the loss of feeling at the incision site, the tiny linear scar on the back of the head, or the amount of post-operative pain involved. After much research, Dr. Jack Zamora has chosen to offer the FUE method utilizing the NeoGraft® Automated Hair Transplantation system. The FUE method of hair transplantation removes individual hair follicles from the scalp in their naturally occurring groupings of about 1-4 hairs and are then placed in the areas of the scalp where balding has occurred.
- It is the least invasive procedure for hair transplantation
- Patients who receive the NeoGraft® procedure feel little to no discomfort
- No stitches or staples are used in the NeoGraft® procedure
- No unsightly linear scar
- Flexibility for any hair style of your choice, short or long
- Shorter recovery time - patients can typically go back to work the next day
- Fewer restrictions on your normal daily activities
- Natural looking results

The NeoGraft® system uses pneumatic controls to precisely extract complete individual hair follicles which can be immediately transplanted to the selected areas of the scalp. The NeoGraft® automated hair transplantation system is the only complete harvesting system on the market and has the only ‘NO TOUCH’ implantation technology.
Hair Restoration with NeoGraft® technology provides absolute exact harvesting and placement, delivering repeatable results. With NeoGraft® technology, each follicle is removed individually while the patient is comfortable. A natural looking head of hair is created with this minimally-invasive procedure.
Hair loss can be a very emotional part of the natural aging process, and seeking ways to curb this process used to be a challenge. This advanced technology offers a discrete solution to hair loss, allowing patients to achieve natural looking results with no linear scar, minimal downtime and a shorter recovery period. Hair restoration with the NeoGraft® procedure is unnoticeable, making it your secret to tell.
- Superior Results – More natural looking hair, short or long for both men and women.
- Advanced Technology – Automated technology, least invasive procedure for hair transplantation.
- Gentle – Little to no discomfort. No scalpel incision, no staples, no linear scar.
- Effective – Less activity restrictions than traditional strip methods.
- Discrete – Patients can typically go back to work the next day.
- Affordable – We have programs available to meet your exact needs.
- FUE hair transplant is a very safe, minimally invasive, relatively minor procedure
- Minimal bleeding and fewer complications than with the “strip” method
- Procedure is performed with local anesthetic and no intravenous or intra-muscular sedation is required
- Patients experience minimal discomfort, no scalpel incision, no sutures, no linear scar and quick recovery times
The NeoGraft® Automated FUE is also a useful procedure to fix visible linear scars from previous “strip” surgeries. FUE can be used to ‘fill in’ or camouflage those old scars by transplanting new follicles into the area.
Our team at Jack Zamora MD Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetics will assist you with all of the information you need for exceptional results with your NeoGraft® Procedure. Dr. Zamora will address all of your concerns ahead of time and discuss your desired results. He will also explain the NeoGraft® techniques and anesthesia options.
Dr. Zamora recommends you discontinue the use of products containing aspirin, ibuprofen and alcoholic beverages within 48-hours prior to your procedure.
Dr. Zamora and our NeoGraft® team can perform your procedure very simply as an outpatient procedure. Dr. Zamora will mark the areas to be treated, then a local anesthetic is used to numb the donor area. The donor area is typically the back of the head where hair loss is minimal. Grafts are individually extracted from the donor site using a specialized wand which minimizes bleeding. Once all the grafts are extracted, the treatment area is numbed and the grafts are then implanted. Typically success rates of manual FUE and strip method procedures are much lower because of the handling of the grafts. The NeoGraft® technology minimizes the handling of the grafts, so the procedure is quicker and more efficient with a better result than manual FUE and strip methods.
Post Treatment Information
Dr. Zamora and his team will check in with you after your procedure. It is normal for the area to feel a bit tight and itchy after the procedure. Minor discomfort can be treated with over the counter Tylenol. However, if your pain is unbearable, please call our Cometic Surgery office at 303-780-7377 immediately.
A pressure dressing will be applied to the back of your scalp where grafts were harvested. This dressing should remain in place for two-days. After two-days, you may remove the pressure dressing. All donor sites should be closed up and on their way to healing. Itching can be relieved with the Copper K Calming Spray. Regular activity can be resumed two days after the procedure, but wait two-weeks to resume weight lifting and intense workouts. At two weeks your grafts have healed and you can wash your hair normally. You may resume coloring your hair six to eight weeks after your procedure.
Dr. Zamora recommends the HairMedica products for use every day at home and in-office NeoLTS treatments to accelerate your healing and promote your results.